North Clubhouse
2039 Orange Drive
Highlighted in Blue
South Clubhouse
4212 Buena Vista Lane
Highlighted in Green
Please complete the form below by PRNTING the requested information, sign & date and either hand deliver, mail, or scan & email to Ameri-Tech Community Management, Inc.
Owner's Emergency Contact Form
The following is designed to help make New & Old Residents within this HOA Community, stay more enjoyable. You will find information regarding your Community and surrounding areas, as well as activities within our Park.
These telephone numbers are listed for your convenience only. There is no endorsement implied or otherwise intended, if there is anything you would like added please contact our Directors.
We have two Club Houses in our Community for your enjoyment. One in the North and one in the South part of the Park. ( see Map )
North Hall located at - 2039 Orange Drive
South Hall located at - 4212 Buena Vista Lane
We are a very active Community with many things to do on a regular basis. Check out the following activities at both Club Houses. You are invited to participate in any of the activities in either Club House, but your dues are paid to one or the other and you will have a vote in only the Club House that your home is located in North or South Area. Please review the detailed map to find the boundaries of the applicable Club House.
There are Directors in both North and South areas of the Park. If you have questions that have not been answered, we suggest you go to a Council Meeting in your area or contact your area Director. We are more than happy to help make your move a smooth transition.
North Hall - The Newsletter with list of Activities and information can be picked up from the blue box outside the front door and inside Clubhouse by front door.
You can also go on Facebook - North Hall Facebook Page
South Hall - Your Newsletter can be picked up at the Club House.
You can also go on Facebook - South Hall Facebook Page
Because of Postal Service restriction they can't be left in mailboxes.
Protecting our communities by coordinating and integrating activities necessary to manage, cope, prepare, and recover from any threatened or actual natural disaster, acts of terrorism, or other man-made disasters.
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